How To: Light Paint with your camera

Light Painting is infact super simple once you know what you're doing. I learnt how to do it in 20 minutes. An hour later and I've got 4 shots I'm happy with and edited (saturation, ambience and a little contrast)

So you will need -
An area that can be in darkness,
A subject
A light, or two, three, whatever
Your camera.

Here's an indepth of what to do.
In the light, set up your camera either on a table or on a tripod so it can't move. Set up your subject, get your manual focus right and then adjust your camera settings.

Settings I used - Manual, ISO 100, f18, shutter speed 20 seconds.

Now get your area in darkness, get your torch or light source ready. Press down your shutter button and start with your painting.
Random movements work well but so do precise movements, it's all child's play really.

Make sure you don't get your hands in the shot too much as this will affect the outcome.
Your shutter will close. And your done! Turn back on your lights and see what you've done.

My 4 shots taken on the canon 600d with kit lens of a diesel aftershave bottle using the iPhone flash as a torch with the app iTorch.

Happy painting!

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